My clocks are GPU 1125 and memory 1575. Using cgminer 2.11.4. (Maximum overclock, this card comes with 925 and 1375 stock clocks and it is stable)
How do you guys get close to 700, I have tried playing with my clocks, tried to get 0.57 ratio between GPU and memory, no luck. Drivers are 13.1.
My current setting are --worksize 256 -g1 -I 13 --lookup-gap 2 --shaders 2048 --thread-concurrency 8192
Any ideas?
use cgminer 2.11.4 do not set thread-concurrency let cgminer detect the best value for your cards, maybe try the last beta drivers 13.3, i get more than 720 kh/s with core1040/memory1750 with vcore unervolted and vmemory overvolted , i did order Arctic extreme cooler tried it on 1 card and it is amazing I am getting around 67 c°with these setting comparing to the other cards that are running @ 86 c° I did order more coolers for the other cards, it is worth every cent I did give.