you blindman
its not about reassigning devs..
its to stop treating the core devs as the sole gods ..
its about allowing MORE devs to write code without OTHER devs being moderated out or REKT
its about not keeping core as a central point of failure via their current model of moderation
you silly fool keep thinking that only the select few devs should control bitcoin.. where you think the only option of decentralisation is breaking core up into smaller groups of the SAME guys!!!(facepalm)
get a clue.. there is a wide range of talent OUTSIDE of the core group.. i know you refuse to acknowledge it because it goes against your fandom/religion.
but for once try to look outside your small group idol admiration of core devs.
you are soo entranched in the mindset that core=bitcoin and bitcoin=core you cant see passed your mindset
i know you to well.. you keep saying that no one should be telling core devs what to do. no one should critique or review them or Nack them. where its should only be prime core devs that Nack outsiders views
where you think no one should have veto power or vote power to stop core devs from writing new upgrades. or consent core devs code into activation .. but the whole point of a decentralised network is that no fixed group should have control to do what they like unrestricted and even against the wider communities desires for the network
you think "community" is the core devs
where they should be sole decision makers not user nodes or miners.
you are the totalitarian admirer
EVERY post i make on the subject is not about the religion YOU beleive in
(core dev centric or death)
my opinion has always been that there is no "one team" but lots of teams. all on same playing field level. all working on bitcoin. (byzantine generals)
and all able to promote proposals and its the unity and cooperation that the best idea's flourish. not the idea's vetted by a core'poral
where all teams share proposals and evolve proposals into things the whole community want and need.. where lots of brands code up those proposals into many node brands and then alow general uses CHOICE of brand and also choice to vote if a proposal goes forward or not, based on desire.. not force..
where it also allows proposed ruleset readiness by all brands prior to activation
unlike your preference of mandated activation of proposals only offered in a core roadmap inspired by business sponsored/bribed core devs. where core dont require other brands to be code-ready(upgraded), thus downgrading them as non full nodes at activation by pushing them to just "unrecognised: default isvalid" new core features. until other brands catch up
fun fact
even doomads best bud blackhat recently started to gain confidence to ask the prime questions that go against doomad beleifs. and got answers from the main coder of segwit that align with what i have been saying for years. but goes against doomads narrative
https://bitcoin.stackexchange.com/questions/116327/do-non-segwit-nodes-reject-segwit-transactions-with-invalid-signature (angelo is blackhatcoiner, Pieter Wuille is sipa(segwit main coder))
other buddies of doomad also gained confidence to go against doomads "soft" mindset
https://bitcointalksearch.org/topic/miner-activated-hard-fork-mahf-5433973doomad, you seem to be losing your cult and i didnt even ass kiss them.. it just took them years to wake up by themselves and start asking questions outside of your beliefs.
i dont need to control people, i dont need to recruit/as kiss people. i dont need to hand out policy for them to follow. (unlike your preference)
i just tell people to be decentralised, independent and self verify AKA do their own research