| path | address |
| m/44'/0'/0'/0/0 | 12fMUNE8fGstCNxxK7tnRWZQ4BC8qaGvvi |
| m/44'/0'/0'/0/1 | 19rG3WrG8yh2mbdoXXHBu1AvkpB19aqjnN |
| m/44'/0'/0'/0/2 | 1Bz5mXQShd4rskT7bMcL8x1KyPQ8zxDbeu |
| m/44'/0'/0'/0/3 | 16Tyzt9vP7rzjPEaUPrt21psvJgg5weoBN |
| m/44'/0'/0'/0/4 | 1KumLyHKAoAEwzGJPK6q4DQBwtZcNfXzq6 |
You can call it from your program in any language.
I need a Web service that be able to change BIP39 words to other bit coin addresses.
I search this website https://iancoleman.io/bip39/ but I could not find the answer.
For example I Wana give these words "before muscle nice seek sign film west capable cube hundred wisdom lawn"to code and then have an outcome with public key Bitcoin.
Please help me.Thanks.