Sorry for pulling out this old thread, but I'm still having this problem with my old 2FA Electrum wallet. Given the fact that there's a BTG version of Electrum now with ElectrumG did this make things a little easier?
You can shortcut some of this process by using ElectrumG (as it should allow you to recreate the multisig)... basically, you'll need to restore your 2FA wallet in Electrum (BTC version) using the 12 word seed and use the "DISABLE" option when prompted if you want to keep or disable 2FA.
Also, DO NOT set a password on the wallet file... otherwise you won't be able to open in a text editor...
What this does is create a copy of your 2FA wallet that contains TWO xprvs and ONE xpub which you can use to recreate the multisig in other versions of Electrum.
After the "disabled" 2fa wallet is created, you should be able to open it with a text editor and copy the the "xprv" from the x1/ and x2/ sections and the "xpub" from x3/ section of the "disabled" BTC wallet file. Once you have the two xprvs and one xpub, you can do the following in ElectrumG:
You can then create a multisig in ElectrumG (BTG version) using these "keys" to recreate the wallet in BTG.
- New/Restore
- Multi-Signature Wallet
- From 3 co-signers, require 2 signatures
- "use a master key"
- paste xprv from x1/ and click "Next"
- Enter co-signer key
- paste xprv from x2/ and click "Next"
- Enter co-signer key
- paste xpub from x3/ and click "Next"
- Add password if you want
This will generate a BTG multisig wallet in ElectrumG that should match the 2FA wallet from Electrum and have your BTG showing (assuming there is some BTG on those addresses)
NOTE: it may take quite a while for the wallet to sync... as there don't seem to be too many BTG electrum servers still running... I could only find 2