i found this site on hackernews:
Did you know? You can generate an ETHEREUM address for any existing BITCOIN-address.
Given the BTC address was already used to SEND.
sending leaks the full public key, so we can use the pubkey to generate an ETH address from it.
The generated ethereum address can be controlled with the same private key.
This way you can send ETH assets to someone you only know his BTC address.
i tested some bitcoin addresses and for each one it gives me an ethereum address.
this way i could send somebody a donation in an ERC20 token although i only know his bitcoin address.
it also links to this:
https://free-online-app.com/bitcoin-ethereum-private-key-converter/BTC<->ETH Private Key Converter
Generate an ETHEREUM address from a BITCOIN private key or vice versa.
obviously i can generate an ethereum keypair from my bitcoin WIF on there.
is this too good to be true or can this be done without problems?
i find it very inviting to have one key for all my crypto needs.
are there any security problems?
the private key converter states
Download this one-file-html-app and run it offline for best security!
i cursorly jumped through the html/js code and it has no external dependencies.
i think about putting this onto my linux-crypto-usb-boot-stick.
thanks for any input!