I think we're all with the same sentiment about the number of cases. While the epicenter of the virus has been calmed down. Why is it that there's no sharing of how they've extinguished the virus and there's even a pool party just to proclaim they were able to overcome the pandemic.
wuhan locked down its domestic flights in febuary
(US/UK didnt take the hint and instead done repatriation flights to bring it to america/UK)
wuhan implemented social distancing and created hospitals in february
(US/UK didnt. they waited to march/april)
wuhan implements track and trace to find out all the people the sick came into contact with and put those on self isolation for 14 days
US/UK didnt. UK is kind if doing it but with only 60% success rate. and only from june onwards
if they implemented all of this in february US/UK would have been able to do just social distancing+track and trace without the need of the lockdown for 4+months
wuhan managed to not have any cases fr a few months due to the hard work involved so they celebrated it.
plus the pool party was for one day so it was not a continuous infection risk every day that would go out of control.
UK/US do daily gatherings thus someone sick on day 1. is passing it on day 2 3 4 5
the people on day one that got infected. gets sick on day 3 and passes it on day 3 4 5
the person on day two that got infected. gets sick on day 4 and passes it on day 4 5
and so on
so that 1 person on day one making ~25 infected and 7 sick
so that 1 person on day two making ~25 infected and 7 sick
so the 8 people on day three making ~200 infected and 56 sick
so the 16 people on day four making ~400 infected and 112 sick
so the 74 people on day five making ~1850 infected and 647 sick
yep they estimate that at a protest. has a protester within proximity to ~20 people with a 33% high dose risk
(7 people really close for long periods of time a day)
so yea if those same people keep going to daily protests every day for a week. the numbers rise quite fast
however if they had true 'peaceful protests' respecting persona space. the rate would not be 1 infecter making 7 sick. butonly 2 sick
and if those only went to one protest that week instead of 5 the numbers would be only a dozen. not over 600
so if you want to actually protest. do not squeeze 10k into a street. spread out. stay safe keep respect for eachothers personal space. and guess what. you can cover 20km of road with just 10k people
this is much better
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is better than this
just look at the amount of streets you can block up id organised