Unfortunately, you have a valid point about this being the new normal.
The world has been at this for nearly a year and because the US had gotten hit fairly bad, it's expected that even after you get vaccinated that you wear a mask and socially distance (according to Joe Biden's administration). Why bother getting the vaccine if the new normal is post-COVID restrictions AFTER you got jabbed?
getting vacinated does not mean 2.5 hours later you can do as you like.
the vaccine takes time to build immunity. so that means weeks
government cant just say masks are no longer needed based on a single 10% of population having a vaccine 2 hours ago. nor 2 weeks ago.
because 90% are still at risk
its hard to segregate the vaccinated group from the unvaccinate group. to do so would cause a need for a 'passport' which surprisingly some here would not like the passport idea to allow those vaccinated to have better 'normals' than those who havnt been vaccinated.
yes thats right i said it. if government did say those vaccinated can go around maskless and be normal. the conspiracy idiots would cry and scream. then they would open photoshop and fake their own vaccination papers and pretend they been vaccinated too. and thus create a health risk due to the antivaxxers faking being vaccinated. thus having a certain percentage of population still passing it around due to their refusals to even think about the logic and common sense of personal space, health
so. the "game" conspiracy nuts think is about being nazi's. is actually about public health where by due to the FACT that idiots will ignore public health advice, public health logic, public health common sense. rules need to continue until the health risk is minimalised.
if these nutters did just learn common sense to respect personal space of others and actually just do the common sense stuff to avoid the spread. this stuff could have been dealt with alot faster.
yep the virus does not spread 'coz government' it spread 'coz idiots disrespect others personal space'
i can guarantee you this, 100% of those getting sick got sick because they.. not government. but the sick person came into contact with someone else. .. nothing to do with government
people spread the virus. and if the virus is spreading. then its because people are not using common sense to protect themselves or others around them