In the encryption industry, we must have more experience and ability to choose, and we must always remain vigilant and redouble our caution so as not to fall into more difficulties.
Of course the word "Be careful" will be a dilemma for people who lack knowledge about the world of DEX and CEX.
But on the other hand, I feel grateful that this happened, because with this I know the importance of DEX as a good storage tool and Bitcoin is the only one I have to buy.
The collapse of two big exchanges (FTX and LUNA) have exposed that how big risk we take when we put our hard-earned money in centralized exchanges where management is stealing investors' money by corrupt practices. These incidents have vindicated that decentralized exchanges are much safer because your funds are in your custody. I think in future we see huge interest in Ethereum based DEFI projects which are considered secure, and investors also get good returns.