fact check africa is not spared due to abything biological about africans.
the one myth of the 21yo african who recovered is not due to his dna but due to the fact that he is 21yo.. which has a 99% survival rate for any human of same age
fact check two.
africa has not ben swamped with cases becuase most of the country cannot afford 3 healthy meals. let alone plane tickets to just travel around the world regularly.
its poverty has limited its exposure.
fact check. as of today there are cases occuring in africa. so this topic is debunked o any myth that africa is safe.
moving on
in other news
if your under 50yo you got a 99% chance of surviving it even if you get it no matter what climate, culture, race, dna you have
if your over 80yo you got a 85% chance of surviving it even if you get it no matter what climate, culture, race, dna you have
80+ years old 14.8%
70-79 years old 8.0%
60-69 years old 3.6%
50-59 years old 1.3%
40-49 years old 0.4%
30-39 years old 0.2%
20-29 years old 0.2%
10-19 years old 0.2%
0-9 years old no fatalities
africa has not ben swamped with cases becuase most of the country cannot afford 3 healthy meals. let alone plane tickets to just travel around...."
Any dumb person reading at your comment will think you are one of the most intelligent person on this forum but, you are not.well, it depend's on what you mean by being
poor & being rich.
Yes, African are poor but, atleast they are more lively than the average people in another countries. well, i donot know the secret behind this.
Onething i know, is that
no country gives breath to another country.
Think about this, how can someone who growth in an enviroment were he only get to eat 1 o 2 square meal a day be stronger than somebody who is living in abundance.*
Go to Africa and see 50-60 old year's men/women covering a distance of 20/25 kilometer per day when going to farm and here in your so-called rich society i've seen women of about 45-50 who lost their life just because of a simple miss-step's when running to catch public bus.Back to the issue of
corona or corruption virus issue, how many people in your area had developed heart attack just for hearing about nCOV?
And how many have lost their life?
Don't you think the level of your resistant to disease is depedant on how strong your blood is?Finally, Africa are poor because some blood sucking countries came to their land,capture & took away all the riches is the land.
Now,do you call the act of destroying other countries in order to keep their wealth RICHES? = what's are most of the president's from EU/USA doing in libya after the death of Ghaddafi. I guess this is how those you so-called wealth are acquired.BLOOD MOney = BLOOD DIAMOND = BLOODY GENERATION !!