Some said it will. What do you think?
(The estimated 2017 GDP in the US is $19.4 trillions. If the price of a BTC increases to $1M, with 21M in total supply, the market cap would be $21 trillions. Of course, the $19.4T is in present value and the $21T is in an unknown period of future value.)
When it comes to this question, there are a lot of if's and but's involved. There is no doubt that Bitcoin has the potential to become something huge, and it already is rising at a rapid pace. However, we have to just let it do what it wants, we really don't have control over what will happen to it. Although, there are some ways that we can spread the word and improve the amount of investors of Bitcoin. But when it comes to the price of Bitcoin rising all the way up to 1 million dollars, there are a lot of things that have to go right and only a couple of things can go wrong. Bitcoin would first need to be mainstream and be widely accepted across the world by many governments and a lot of the big companies out there. After that, we would need to improve the currency so that more people would be able to use it without making the transaction time and cost higher. A lot of work needs to be done before Bitcoin even has the chance to reach such a high amount, and to be honest, I doubt any of us will be around to see it happen. And I doubt that it ever will happen.