Of course, your response may be that if it was limited to a flaw that allowed people to mint coins more quickly, it would be fair game. But I haven't seen any consensus about whether or not such would be ethical (as opposed to double-spending, reversing transactions, etc., that most would agree would not be ethical). I'm not aware of any contract, rules, etc. regarding Bitcoin -- it's just sort-of assumed that you are supposed to check every possible hash, and shortcuts never were considered.
All "shortcuts" of this type are totally fair, ethical and expected.
The contract, rules, etc. you are looking for is the Bitcoin protocol.Back in the old days I had a GPU miner, 5 cards, about 2 GH/s. I discovered that by doing certain tweeks to my hardware setup I could get 2.4 GH/s out of it. Were these tweeks unfair? No. Anything you can do to get more hashes per second out of your hardware is fair game. Also, people discovered slightly faster hashing algorithms on a pretty regular basis. I would download these firmware updates to my system. Still fair. Anything you can do to make your hashing algorithm more efficient is fair game. The mining game boils down to just one thing: whoever can get the most hashes per joule out of their system (and therefore the most BTC per joule) wins.
It sounds like you think you have found a way to more quickly get to the hash of the proper difficulty. If that is true then I do not see it as fundamentally different from tweeking the hardware parameters or hashing algorithm. If by hashing using this new algorithm you get an advantage over the other miners then your hashes/joule will be higher than the rest of the network and you will make more BTC/joule than others.
The system hash rate will go up by the amount of hashing you add to the network, the network will adjust, you will make a boatload of BTC, that is how the system works.
You will be rewarded for being more clever than all the other miners.
Even if your can use half the energy per hash as anyone else what would it matter to Bitcoin? Of course, you should and would be rewarded for figuring that out.
Now, if you think you can get many orders of magnitude more hashes per joule than the others and by doing so can eventually take over the entire mining network that might becomes a bit sticky. But I have faith that just by seeing that it is possible to do others would quickly figure out what you are doing and begin hashing in the same way.
What amount of gain/advangate are you talking about here (assuming I am on the right track regarding your discovery)? 0.01%? 0.1%? 1%? 10%? 100%? more?