
Topic: Could JS Bitcoin Mining Replace Google's Adsense? - page 2. (Read 6143 times)

Activity: 84
Merit: 10
it's a very clever idea, and i'd love nothing more than to see google and other ad-based corporate monoliths restrained. (i personally think they're much greater concerns for privacy and liberty than inflation in fiat currencies, practically speaking.)

but being able to run a javascript miner, even if you get around all the other potential problems (simple technological ones, the opportunities for cheating on unsecured networks, etc.), posting a javascript miner doesn't prevent or 'replace' ads, does it? nothing stops a website from using miners in addition to ads, but why would running one stop the other?
Activity: 2968
Merit: 1198
In short no.

1. The bitcoin JS miner makes very little money compared to ads.  

2. There is no incentive to remove ads just because there is a JavaScript miner on a site.  If the miner ever makes sense (maybe with WebCL), sites will just do both.

hero member
Activity: 588
Merit: 500
Not until they utilize GPUs (and that seems to be some distance in the future). Now, a Flash miner....
Activity: 1304
Merit: 1015


There is a new and revolutionary breakthrough bitcoin application that could potentially destroy Google. Yes, that's correct, this technology could completely annihilate Google. Google's business mostly relies on its AdSense program which allows website owners the ability to place ads in their webpages to earn money. However, with 100% Javascript bitcoin miners website owners no longer have to place ads in their website to make money.

JS Miners can be placed into webpages and earn income for the website owner. The advantages for the end-user is that ads will no longer annoy users. NO MORE ADS! The longer a user spends time on a web page the more money the bitcoin miner will earn for the website operator. Website owners are now encouraged to have quality content so users stay and read longer. This means that quality is king and if a user leaves a website immediately then that website is rewarded less. (I could see this potentially saving the newspaper industry.)

JS Miners also removes Google's overhead and more money could potentially be awarded to the website owner. JS miners can also perform micro transactions easier than Google so all mining can be compensated an no amount of money is lost. If a computer mines .000001 bitcoins then this amount is recorded and taken into account.

Yes, it is possible these JS Miners can utilize CPU resources and slow down the computer, but these settings can be adjusted to allow a good user experience. This bitcoin revolution is just beginning...
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