@Rruchi man
The person that uploaded the video has removed it. Although, I also reported the video and I think many people among us also reported the video. YouTube sent me message and in the message, they said they will take appropriate action. After the message was sent to me, I went back to check the video but it has been removed by the uploader. I do not know what kind of happened there but good that the video has been removed.
I am concerned because this will not be a one-time thing by these scammers; they may have taken the video down and will maybe make some adjustments before looking for another day to cast their nets again.
Not that long ago I read an article that claims the newest generation is not really aware of the dangers the internet can entail for them, something that is incredibly surprising to me, as they are glued to their phone all day and they interact more with it than any other generation, so even if it is repetitive we need to keep warning people about dangers like this, because even if it is incredibly obvious to us that this is a scam, many other people cannot see it and they will be scammed if they come across such videos or threads.
The scams are repetitive; the methods and strategy are just constantly rebranded to fool people who are not smart enough. There are also others who believe that scammers cannot go to these lengths or use sophisticated methods to create a faking video.
Just as you have said, @South Park, we need to keep warning people around us.