I think we should take bitcoin/crypto marketing to the next level and motivate all bitcoin and crypto friends to crowdfund a movie about Satoshi Nakamoto. For example, the movie biography about Steve Jobs cost about 12 million USD. So I think it's even affordable...
As main protagonists I would suggest Dave Kleiman
a movie about satoshi should not involve Dave Kleiman..
DK and CSW had nothing to do with bitcoin during satoshi era
if you want a movie about DK and CSW.. then you should put it into the fiction category
if you still believe CSW/DK had something to do with satoshi. then you are definitely not the right person/expert on what the movie should contain/be about
now go do your research and realise CSW and DK only got involved in 2013 when CSW made a scam about owning lots of bitcoin.. a scam created by grabbing public addresses and pretending that public addresses is proof of ownership
CSW/DK had no involvement in 2008-2011
go research
as for a true satoshi plot
have it as a over-the-shoulder(no face) view of a guy piecing together different cypherpunk idea's and then releasing his masterpiece.maybe the scene is him doodling on a whiteboard piecing it together (beautiful mind style)
skip to the rease and then the week later where the first transaction is made. have 2 characters getting excited that the idea actually works.
move forward to the lazlo pizza
move forward to alpaca socks
maybe feature it as a farmer that is struggling to sell his alpaca socks so comes across bitcoin and implements it. and suddenly his business gets busier
then bitcoin cupcakes.
then wallstreet
and so on
ofcourse stretching it out for 90 minutes would mean many social scenes explaining how different events changed things for people in a dramatic way.
so it can play out how it follows the bitcoin alpaca guy over time. evolving the storyline. could involve hal finneys slow progression of his ALS
but anyway the topic creator doesnt appear to know much about satoshi era facts. so i would not deem him worthy of being a project manager about satoshi era
Yes franky1, it would have to start with the cypherpunks and their different efforts
to create a form of digital currency.
It of course would have to be massively dramatised, like a drama thriller.
! The cypherpunks, Nick Szabo, Hal Finney, Gavin Andeason and others working on various projects.
! Government agencies investigating their efforts
! The cypherpunks receiving a random email with the Bitcoin Whitepaper
! The cypherpunks pouring over it and discussing it, then them replying to the email
! at this point Satoshi appears on the screen, this shadowy person, we cannot make out
it is a he or a she (for the screen, it wont be a they)
! the government agencies are getting closer and switch their attention to Satoshi
! more interaction between Satoshi and others and how they along with the law are trying
to find out who Satoshi is, while helping with Bitcoin
! Government agencies getting closer, it looks like they are about to knock on Satoshi's door,
but then Satoshi is not there...