Are you optimistic for Bitcoin as investment ?
I will ask you the same question which I've asked above, am I mistaken for investing in Bitcoin ?
Not a soul on Earth one can tell you whether you'll be right or wrong. That's the beauty and scariness of the whole thing.
I have coins. I use them as much as possible. I think there's a good chance they'll be worth more in the future, maybe a ludicrous amount more. It could also easily die from indifference or technical failure. I can live with both scenarios. I'm not convinced there'll be much of a middle ground.
What I didn't do is bet the house on another 2013 style rise a couple of months down the line. That would obviously be pretty sweet but the world doesn't work that way. There were plenty of people talking about taking loans out right on the cusp of the price starting its lengthy descent.
Buyers were treating it like a dead cert back then. What has unfolded since should be a lesson in just how insanely risky this truly still is and how warped the market is.
I think it'll take many years to fulfill its potential. It's a hard/suicidal sell to someone looking in from the outside right now. When doubts have been largely assuaged and there's something approaching proper deflation, that's when things might become surreal.
5-10 years is the time frame I went into it with. It'll either be on its way to real success or terminal decline. By 2021 annual coin inflation will fall to 1.8% and by then infrastructure will make today look quaint. I think that's when we'll start to really know.
You'll either be kicking yourself or ecstatic like everyone else who is here watching it unfold.
I think it's a fine time to make a bet on this whole thing. The road to the future is being built in ways that would've been labelled flat out delusional had you suggested it on here in 2011/12. It's top down deal, though. The people won't come until the path has been laid for them. That it's actually taking place right now is vastly more important and reassuring than any short term price movements.