Lol I don’t blame people for complaining about the Coronavirus, the situation has not been easy.
Have you heard that a lot of people have lost their jobs because of this Coronavirus?
Majority of those people you’ve heard that lost their jobs don’t have another means of income, that means they will have to be relying on borrowing money to feed themselves and their family.
It’s not easy for so many people at this point in time, so that’s why they are all complaining. And another thing is that the government and every other organizations that’s giving loans won’t be able to give out loans to everyone, so what are those people going to do if they don’t get loans?
For countries that have large foreign exchange reserves, still have a trade surplus, have small foreign debt and are dependent on low dollars and strong domestic consumption, and actively tighten their budgets when a surplus occurs, then when a pandemic occurs like this time they can freely carry out social security for all citizens affected by corona, especially for meeting basic needs. It is the government's responsibility to protect and guarantee the welfare of every citizen. But the phenomenon that is happening now is due to a budget deficit, the government has not been optimal in dealing with pandemics and stemming economic and social problems due to prolonged pandemics, such as increasing unemployment and crime rates.
In current conditions, people rely on the government, unfortunately the lack of experience in handling pandemics, and the lack of knowledge makes policies seem slow, hesitant and not compelling, so the pandemic drags on. For example, when the beginning of the pandemic occurred, all countries in the world went into total lockdown for 2 weeks to 1 month, I think the pandemic will not be as widespread as it is now, which is global in nature, so the economic losses will not be as great as they are now.