There is One Who did this... the Son of God, Jesus. And it is He Who made it possible for the rest of us to be gods in our own right. But nothing godly comes out of us except through Him.
The exciting part is that He offers it to us. But most people either don't think about it much, or they leave the Jesus part out. You might be a whole lot closer to real god-strength than you really know. Now, add the understanding about Jesus and what Jesus says in the Bible, to what you already think, and you just might be able to move mountains.
I mean, how do we come to be like this. To be so focused on the unrealistic, the realms you don't see and then we fail to realise that the greatest religion we could have is humanity.
It's our mandate to acknowledge God and then we take care of ourselves. Unfortunately, most persons believes God will take care of them and from what?
I think we ought to live God out of this Covid-19 thing and protect ourselves. Vaccinate if you agree, use hand sanitizers, nose mask and avoid crowded areas. That's how God wants you to protect yourself and not expect the extraordinary from the sky.
No disease that that have ever afflicted man have gone out of the world that way. It always comes from a research in the lab or some accidental discoveries that where studied and developed on. Your own earth, live like it and when you go to whatever realm you feel exists, you live like you are in that realm too.