We can't handle so much isolation, especially if you're living alone, it must be detrimental. However, I don't believe that we'll ever have so much free time in our lifetime ever again. Due to social and quarantine measures, most of us stayed home, killing time and doing nothing (myself included). Likewise, I regret not making this time worthwhile, by learning a third language, by developing a new skill, or even going cycling on a daily basis.
On the other hand, due to my university online classes, I completed my degree a lot quicker and a lot more versatile. I didn't have to commute from home to university, saving a lot of time and stress, especially when I was working.
Now add to that that the tech companies are already building the technology so we don't even have to leave the house anymore. Then people get used to that situation, build their accounts for whatever application they are using and really dismiss the social life more and more. The Pharma industry as well as the tech industry has so much incentive to hope for this crisis to never end that it feels a bit concerning whether they could come up with some bad ideas. Do the Pharma companies right now really have an incentive to once and for all kill the virus and end the pandemic? I know this might make you think I am only seeing the evil in them, but no. They are making 1000 USD per second right now in pure profit. I guess this will keep going for years like that.
As for your university degree, what is about all the networking at university that can be so much fun? Hanging out with people, getting to know their interesting and maybe even cofounding businesses? Should that all now happen via teamviewer and so on?