Thank you for the regular as clockwork on-time payments, I am sure I speak on behalf of all campaign participants when I say we appreciate it.
Have there been any updates or negotiations with Wasabi regarding the length of time the campaign might run?
Jolly, I don't have an answer to this question yet, but I think by Monday I will have all the information.
In any case, in the next week or so, I will have good news as one of the previously suspended campaigns will resume again.
tI don't know about negotations and I'll leave that answer for icopress if he wants to reply but looking at the last transaction and what's left in the change address I'd say there are funds for at least a couple of months more if weekly payments are similar.
Not really. Like some users, I use the same wallet with many bitcoin addresses for all my affairs.
Die Summe des Pools kann nicht über die Adresse / Link ermittelt werden, da es nur eine Adresse innerhalb meines Wallets ist und ich dieses auch benutze, es also auch Ausgaben gibt, welche von den Coins kommen.