We all want to save money, but it's not always easy.
There are so many things that tempt us to spend, unexpected bills that pop up, and it can be hard to make ends meet.
How do you manage to save in a world that encourages spending? Let's talk about it.
Share your ideas, tips, and stories about saving money, and together, we can figure out how to get better at it. (We will also draw valuable lessons from the mistakes and experiences of others.)
There are several tips I can give you...
1. You can record income & expenses. Why ? By recording income and expenses, we can more easily track our monthly finances. We can see what expenses exceed the target and it can be a reminder for us to spend money.
2. Pay attention to expenses that you think are small. Why ? It could be that if combined in one month, the amount spent on small items could be worth more than expensive items. Because usually we may not realize these small expenses and think they are easy, even though if we calculate them over a period of 1 month it could be the same as spending on one expensive item.
3. Don't shop for prestige. Why ? It would be better if we could use it to increase our savings and buy things we really need. Not because it's trendy, let alone because of prestige. We need to realize that developments in trends and prestige will never stop if we continue to follow them.
4. Make a priority list of needs. Starting from those that are very urgent to those that can still be postponed to be fulfilled. By creating a priority scale we can more easily manage expenses. Apart from that, we can also learn to be more frugal and organized.
5. Set future targets. One effective way to manage finances is to set targets for the future. For example, when you are 30 years old you want to have your own vehicle, when you are 35 years old you have your own house, and so on. By setting a target, it means we are ready to start and carry it out. Don't let the target just become a discourse. By having a target we are also required to be able to make a plan so that the target can be achieved.
6. Save. If you want the money in your savings to grow quickly, make a savings target and immediately set aside the money at the beginning of the month. If necessary, create your own savings account that is different from the account you usually use every day.
7. Try investing. Investing does have a lot of risks. However, from this big risk there is also the potential for big profits if done correctly. In order to invest well, we also have to learn and practice to be able to make the right strategy in investing. The first thing you can do is find out what type of investment is suitable. Next, look for as much information as possible about the investment you choose according to your financial situation. The important thing is not to interfere with other expenses.