Wide adoption with weak security is suicidal, sir.
Before trying to adopt demagogic methods to achieve wide adoption, lets teach them a lesson: this is money, better be safe than sorry.
I still don't understand this psychological barrier: if it is about tangible money, they buy the heaviest safe.
If it is untangible, they use straws to cover it.
And for the other user who talks about "test accounts", there is an awful amount of "test accounts".
No, sir, these users show a very very high degree of mental laziness:
user : cracked pwd
jazy510 : mtgox1
joevm3 : mtgox1
wwwhatup : mtgox1
bitcoin.jstar : mtgox1
mglbt1 : mglbt1
ronello : ronello1
jonashuckestein : jonas1
jaydrum : jaydrum1
etc... (so far 581 passwords cracked)
I wrote a small tutorial to make very strong passwords and very easy to remember them:
But still lazy people will be lazy enough to not even try to read it.