Some modification and another addition, still many more words needed to hit your goal of 314.
Down swampy Louisiana way there dwelt an iniquitous necromancer named Toumura Maleficent Vurotia Vromira Morte whom I serendipitously thrice encountered who spent all her waking hours focused on raising long lost corrupted spirits from their waterlogged burial chambers steadfastly believing she might stumble upon abhorrent factualisms regarding omnipotent artifacts which shall more than likely reward herself untold and overwhelming powers concerning subjugation over earthly equinal lifeforms created by aside terrifyingly sadistic demons formerly residing among mere mortal ponies forever grazing across open fertile fields filled with by golden wheat traditionally utilized while developing procedures for discovering individuals manifesting antidisestablishmentarianism tendencies within largely liberal congregations around sprawling developments alongside meandering natural rivers flowing southerly verses northerly similarly like River Nile past multitudinous bustling metropolises including Luxor previously known as the Ancient Egyptian city of Waset or Greek Thebes once having had myriad hieroglyphs depicting femmes fatales mayhaps said seductresses hastening its ultimate demise when earthen atmospheric conditions constitute needed further evaluations reflected by through ever continually expanding evil forces entering into infinite territories naive humans have forsaken throughout written historical millenniums in recounted previous experiences people neglected incorporating required logistical anomalies whereas superficial conglomerates direct cute honey bee workflows creating intricate architecturally beautiful structures that are extremely pleasing to behold yet
structural masterpieces hence before leaving thee third confrontation with mentioned wicked deceased communicator thy was asked my dental services be rendered removing excruciatingly painful impacted wisdom teeth abating consistently annoying agony causing undue distress leading to inability performing ritualistic tasks requisite conjuring exanimate beings whilst ruminating about preceding events impacting reanimating abilities
That might not work, there would probably be a comma needed before hence?
Shit, dude, I had to read that twice through to get my head wrapped around. Mission accomplished, but now I have to read it some more to get my head wrapped around
it. I'm sure it'll all make sense to me once I added to what's been written thus far, along with having done the accompanied edits. You da man!
64 words (+ 3 when factoring in the she-necromancer name change down to two words) left to go [at this penning] is not a lot of words. I see that the narrator made his/her reappearance (is he/she a [long lost] relative? just a thought).
Thanks for editing that hyphenated issue, bud. I see you incorped "thee" and "thy", which I have no issues with, the same true for any foreign terms part of the English lexicon/vocabulary that's commonly used today.
Both "river" and "rivers" was used, easily passing muster especial on how they were used, but in the caution on the side of erroring (or something like that), I changed "rivers" to "waterways" (again, please review ALL my edits).
Problematic terms highlighted in
Extractable common words highlight in
yellow available for future reuse.
Down swampy Louisiana way there dwelt an iniquitous necromancer named Toumura Maleficent Vurotia Vromira Morte whom I serendipitously thrice encountered who spent all her waking hours focused on raising long lost corrupted spirits from their waterlogged burial chambers steadfastly believing she might stumble upon abhorrent factualisms regarding omnipotent artifacts which shall more than likely reward herself untold and overwhelming powers concerning subjugation over earthly equinal lifeforms created aside terrifyingly sadistic demons formerly residing among mere mortal ponies forever grazing across open fertile fields filled by golden wheat traditionally utilized while developing procedures for discovering individuals manifesting antidisestablishmentarianism tendencies within largely liberal congregations around sprawling developments alongside meandering natural waterways flowing southerly verses northerly similarly like River Nile past multitudinous bustling metropolises including Luxor previously known as the Ancient Egyptian city of Waset or Greek Thebes once having had myriad hieroglyphs depicting femmes fatales mayhaps said seductresses hastening its ultimate demise when earthen atmospheric conditions constitute needed further evaluations reflected through continually expanding evil forces entering into infinite territories naive humans have forsaken throughout written historical millenniums in recounted previous experiences people neglected incorporating required logistical anomalies whereas superficial conglomerates direct cute honey bee workflows creating intricate architecturally beautiful structural masterpieces hence before leaving thee third confrontation with mentioned wicked deceased communicator thy was asked my dental services be rendered removing excruciatingly painful impacted wisdom teeth abating consistently annoying agony causing undue distress leading to inability performing ritualistic tasks requisite conjuring exanimate beings whilst ruminating about preceding events impacting reanimating abilities foretold ... (or foretelling; again, edit in or out) 251
Characters (including spaces) 2067
Characters (without spaces) 1817I think I require a synopsis as to what was last added, for all I was able to glean more-or-less is that the narrative had a toothache.
TBC, I'm in no way alluding to that the addition was bad, just beyond my scope of comprehension at the moment, perhaps figuring it out within minutes, hours, days ... but not at this penning.
EDIT: Okay, I'm truly getting my head wrapped around it now once I got 'thee' and 'thy' fully engrained, for it was themist that trippeth me uppeth. I wish that I was born with a thesaurus up my ass like yinz, but perhaps there wasn't any room next to the pi et al., not to mention the circumference of my adit restricting oversized tomes, of which even today is limited to Cliffs Notes editions. Wanna see?