I want to create a private key via bitaddress and attach to physical round. Any suggestions are welcome. Material to print QR code on? How to place under security seal properly without compromising the private key. If you have done this, I would be open to any advice. This is for personal project. Nothing to market
I would look for new simplified QR codes that you can easily draw with your own hand, and I saw this being used by some diy hardware signing devices and hardware wallets.
You can easily draw this QR codes on regular paper or even engrave them in stainless steel plates, but adding security seal is mostly a security theater in my oppinion.
Don't use any thermal printers for long term QR codes because ink will fade away fairly quickly.
Instead of generating private key I would consider generating seed words that can later be used for generating more addresses.
Iancoleman website would be a good BIP39 option for this, if done correctly while being offline, or you could just use Electrum wallet.