Rank: Sr Member
Current post count: 415 +1
Creditbit Address either from livecoin or your eth wallet: 0xdA5F602beB5EE6c40B7A5D5b0e6eB9BC16cF9875
Wear appropriate signature: YES
Position to Apply: member
Posts Start:135
eth wallet: 0x84b1Ae046d84C5c4FDD0a4887dA3B5F3c9FB8F1c
Rank: jr member
Current post count: 44
your eth wallet: 0xe4338C32ce37C33cAd1EBEf2F53328864608C677
Wear appropriate signature: Yes
Current post count:6023
Creditbit Address either from livecoin or your eth wallet:0xF50C77D47EE9474Bdb453B486204A4FF79103C24
Wear appropriate signature: YES
I have read the rules and would like to join in this campaign. I have placed my etherwallet address and look forward to being accepted. Many thanks in advance.
Rank: Full member
Current post count: 122 including this one man!
Creditbit Address either
Wear appropriate signature: Yeah have it done for you BRO!
Rank: jr.member
Current post count:106 + 1 for this post
Creditbit Address from livecoin:0x3bb63a5bf205ddf77aef3a1c29c8b97722ccba9a
Wear appropriate signature: YES
Btctalk name- Viviyang
Rank- Full Member
Current post count- 121
Creditbit Address- 0x3878f5ace053cf111db5184aa6e59f904fc44dba
Rank: Hero
Current post count : 935
Creditbit Address either from livecoin or your eth wallet: 0x93E01D10285CaB05D33936058e4A1296B5068D0C
Wear appropriate signature : Yes
Rank: Sr Member
Current post count: 675
Creditbit Address either from livecoin or your eth wallet: 0x45f3421bcb29c22c9ad95ccb6c9ec63b8aa447c1
Wear appropriate signature: Done