Um. He had access to funds to pay for 6 killings. He has over $100 million in Bitcoin. He made provisions for what to do in the case of his own arrest and logged all of this in a diary with a net worth balance sheet in it.
Surely, if we scour the planet, we can find someone more deserving of charity that a suspected murderer with a high net worth?
we can always find who deserve more than is about support.i mean the guy did alot
not few.and he get 404 support on fb
there is a problem i truly believe in self responsabilities ,i mean you want buy drug go ahead buy it,but dont break my nuts if you get sick or die.right?the guy messed up..not a few..he really messed up,but we all went to silk road it was like a disney land for hustlers.and he make money,whats the mathers?this is capitalism
make your money thats all.its not because he made alot of money that we have to drop him down the road..right now his money is is appreciated and heart warming for his family.