You're correct in some of your assertions. I was tired of your fellow "investors" insisting I was Eduardo de Castro, and it was simpler to make this account than to argue.
You're also an alt, created to shill for Terrahash. You have now deleted the bulk of your posts, but the interweb nevar forgets. In your earliest remaining post, "[WTS] Terrahash DX-Large 180 GH w/ PSU - First Batch (June 19, 2013, 08:36:02 PM)," made just 19 days after you created this account, you unload your Terrahash preorder. Speaks volumes, as do all of the Terrahash and now Active Mining posts.
Now you're upset that people are making it difficult for you to apply the same template to your new boss "investment" -- Active Mining.
What you fail to understand is how the internet works: Your lulzy spins on the Active Mining fiasco, your invite-only #actm chan and the series of started and abandoned self-moderated threads have backfired, and now you're experiencing the Streisand Effect.
As much as I'd love to ban your ilk not just from this forum, but from Bitcoin as a whole, I realize that running to authorities is not an option. Instead, I'm going to continue making this place as inhospitable to both scammers and their victims. Though cruel, it's the right chemo to rid Bitcoin of this disgusting cancer.