Holding on to money is very difficult. And if it is quick money then it is more difficult to keep it. He cannot control it if he suddenly becomes the owner of a lot of money from the poor. In one way or another, it runs out. But that does not apply to everyone. The number of people who do not understand the meaning of money is very less. Money is a very valuable thing and should be respected. Spending money unnecessarily is not the work of a good person. Everyone should be frugal.
that usually what happens when someone poor suddenly become rich, its happened quite few times with lottery and yes, they're just overspending it for the most useless thing ever like basically for alcohol and so on, but those with discipline in the first place, when they won the lottery or jackpot, they instead become even richer becuase they know how to manage money. basically overspending for most useless think like alcoholic drinks
or so on. this is not good at all from the perspective of financial, they'd eventually become broke again, its different if we are at least overspending for increasing wealth, but house, buy something that can be resold again not at lower price or even better at higher price then despite overspending and give us feeling of luxury its still worth it.
financial management is truly what make people refrain from overspending, thats one way to keep our wealth intact.