Analogy of Crypto Capital Bank and digital asset Bi2CoinCrypto-Capital Bank creates a protocol that allows you to easily and easily analyze the data and using the financial monitoring directly linked to Blockchain The protocol allows you to exchange currency data between the chains, while ensuring the quality and integrity, using asynchronous replication. The current version of Bi2Coin uses an individual Blockchain with the RPBlock 2.17.3 protocol to ensure that new blocks are written with a double hash transaction, distributing the coin reinforcement with the share in Blockchain processing.
CommandThe command looks solid. Association of legal entities - companies, the solution is quite promising. There is a common goal and a history of teamwork. The project has a strong marketing team and is developing steadily.
VerdictThe team seems extremely professional and capable. The protocol is in demand, judging by the analysis for two days of the initial offer of the asset - open analysis in accordance with the data in Blockchain This is a unique project, with several options for using the finished product
RisksIt is difficult to find risks, because they are not contained in the technological part of the project. There is a protocol and two hashs in the network (coins and marker-shares), as well as a replication mechanism (,, ,,,,, which seems very unique and there was nothing like it on the market before.
The security of the site system is complex, the replication mechanism synchronously replicates the bases in the server network, while preserving the integrity of the previous version, in one word, server storage of copies in the system with a certain frequency is created.
The finished digital asset B2C had several listing offers, even before the initial offer, but the project team looks very carefully at listing for the purpose of placing the coin on more reliable sites, since the project has its own exchange and the main purpose is to conduct an IPO of the Bi2Coin stock market share . That stably guarantees the capitalization of the coin in more than six circles and thanks to the reinforcement of the stock of shares, B2C is supported by the Fiat, which corresponds to financial currency transactions in state structures.
Growth Potential and TotalCorrespondence of the currency with the share and Blockchain technology: individual protocol and reinforcement of the share of coins of issue volume, double transaction hash, open Blockchain on the specialized site, with asynchronous replication and replication center in the server network, synchronization according to the rules construction of a chain of blocks, with the controlling body of financial monitoring of the asset, which contains all financial data on a digital asset in the public domain. Legal registration of the companies Crypto Capital LTD (Registration number No. 168304, October 10, 2016) and Cod Coin LTD (Registration number №168218, September 28, 2016), obtaining rights to own intellectual property for an asset, licensing activities, preparation of shares for IPO and the creation of a joint stock company, in order to reinforce the digital asset with a mandatory reserve-share, in a currency in the currency market, indicates the intensive development and stability of this proposal, reinforcement with legal operations ensures the security of the B2C digital asset.