Automating our trading time is fine if the market conditions have moved better and are still improving, but we know that market conditions often change, which means we have to be able to see how the market changes, and if necessary, we can rearrange orders we have done before. If you can live with the consequences of running a bot, you can keep using it. Otherwise, manual trading will be better for you because you decide when you trade. And it also won't require you to check the bot frequently to see how it's set up.
IMHO, it doesn't really require the condition of the market to be good only. But any condition of the market, bots can be useful based on how you use it.
I'm into manual trading but I don't want to say something that might discourage the users of it. Well, they're users of it and that means that it's more helpful to them, so choose your battle and what makes trading easier for you.
One of most misconception about bot is that newbies do really believe that it is really a way on making money without doing such hassle or further steps which they arent able to realize that they arent money making generating bots which they are really been thinking and this is why on the time that they are in loss then they would be tending to blame out things that it doesnt work.SOoner or later they would really be able to realize thats not how things do works.You would really be needing that knowledge for you to sustain this unpredictable market because if you dont then you would really be having that hard time on coping on things up.
You cant just run off a bot and expect that you would be making money, thats not how reality works.
For the newbies, that's what they really are expecting that whenever they buy a bot, they will be guaranteed with profits.
But for those newbie risk takers, it's on them and much better for them to look at the brighter side of using it if they think that it'll improve their trading skill.