Even a broken clock shows the time correct twice a day
. I may not like the guy but the reality is that crypto is a weapon for financial independence. I can't say if it is the last but looks like if we give this up to the rich folk like Elon and we do not have our handle on the situation that means we may not have any type of success in the future tries neither, this is as serious as it gets, we are reaching stock market levels if we keep the pump going on, what else can reach these levels and still succeed if bitcoin fails?
At the end of the day it is not a simple task but we are not doing so bad neither right now, let's not forget we saw 64k+ price on bitcoin, the whole market cap was over 2 trillion dollars, we did that and not the rich people, they would have taken our money and left if it was just them, so it is really not that bad situation right now.
Maybe rich people don't control time, but they can easily move the needle in different directions
First, because they serve as a reference point for many ordinary investors, remember the impact on the market of Elon Musk's reluctance to continue selling Tesla cars for bitcoins, that even the following statements of Musk could not return the market to its previous level. Secondly, large investors also move large sums, so they necessarily have an impact on the market, even for a short time. Therefore, I respect the statement about the connection between bitcoin and the financial independence of an individual citizen, but with a certain degree of skepticism, and even more skepticism when such a thing comes from the mouth of John McAfee.