Hello to everyone here. I am new in this crypto-world, and new in this forum. My friend told me about this application so i downloaded it yesterday and started working on it. What is confusing for me is the amount of satoshi of the treeshold that i need to reach so i get paid. It says that i need to reach 1.300.000.000.000 satoshi to get paid in the next 48 hours after i reach it. Now the app says i have acomulated 1.636.900.000.000 satoshi and that i have already reached the treeshold to be paid. Is it some sort of a bug of the app with that much of zeroes in the treshold or whats the metter cuz thats a lot of money? And another question, if i reach the treshold, can i continue to work on the application and acomulate more satoshi until i get paid or i need to wait some sort of a restart and reach the treeshold again? Any help will be much apreciated !! Thank you for your time.
Hello High,
Should be certain some kind of bug. Have yo tried to restart the software? Usualy the first threshold is 13000-14000 satoshis. And it can be increased or modified direclty by checking your address on faucetbox.
Another non common error similar to this was reported and marked as fixed since the release.
On the top side you see the satoshis accumulated in the current section, your balance is alway saved so you can close or reopen CryptoHusky without losing a single satoshi from your balance. You can also continue claiming even if the layout threshold is reached.
If this issue comes up again, please open a ticket at our support page.
Best regards,
Cryptogods Tech Team