Consider your crypto as money and don't let anyone manages your assets for you else you are just going to be scammed, when that manager disappears its too late for you to run after him. If you have no time to trade yourself then just hold your coins instead, don't trade or learn to do it yourself. Don't entrust your investment to someone as most of these people wil advice you.
I would do or suggest the same thing but there are people who are really lazy and doesnt mind too much into their holdings.
They want or like easy profits because theyve been showed off by some fake awesome stats of profits and easily believe that
they would become rich if they do let those person handle out their money without even thinking the risk of being scammed.
Its just suicide actually if you do let others control or handle your money yet we wouldnt know if they are making their best
or just simply dont mind if they do lost it all in trades.It would be more worth if you lost your investments in your own hands
rather than on others.