As a result, I've resorted to stop using such services such as Telegram, Discord etc. due to the high risk they involve, regarding its users.
That's why I'm not using any of them but only for certain updates with things that I've been following. But when it comes to communicating with any of those platforms.
It's always the same people that have the same tricks of telling this and that and will lead you to their scam person and links. Although I'm aware of their scam, it's annoying that they randomly come.
I also dun goofed and inserted my private key on some random website which did look legit, but it was stupid to say the least. I'm still unsure on how I fell for it, however, I was one of the lucky ones, who after conducting such a stupid move, immediately moved any funds and unstaked any assets to a new wallet.
It was a horrifying experience.