I think another crypto exchange because they fail on their FTX proposal just because FTX isn't trusthworthy and they are afraid that this will affect their reputation. Btw I like the suggestion you throw there about how we can improve the decentralized exchange. Maybe that is one of the things the people are looking for, before they want to use it more.
Decentralized will always be the best, for me Binance is a very good Exchange, it handles large volumes, it is a model excahge for any point of comparison or with another, what I do not like about Binance is that it easily reveals our data and anything to which governments, and it reveals any type of transaction, which I don't like, because then why do we have bitcoin, or cryptocurrencies, these things should not be revealed to governments, banks or strong entities that are police-type, because I have seen how they block Sometimes to users for reasons of investigations that do not even have to do with them, but because they have a suspicion of fraud or something.