hey crypto games, i really enjoy your BTC dice game and i wanted to get something straight that might have not been included in detail.
my main account adnannyc was playing dice, i had brought my wallet to next level aracde so i can show my friends so i had them all sign up using my account as referal. i was assumed that if its your account and your playing it then no harm can come out of it.
i have .05btc in my account, and when i added 4 transactions for btc investments my account was blocked. i had followed the rules completely and its not fair at all.
i then created another account since is was locked for no reason and paid with 3 transactions, had deposited .05btc and then that account when banned.
please help, i really followed the rules and there is nothing against adding your ref feral link on a stream with millions of viewers
hopefully you see this as a misunderstanding and have me comeback to the family and enjoy crypto-games again
Since I've already answered you why you're blocked, I'll post it again here
You created account adnanNYC and connected accounts Trystan834, Marcelo238, adnanhelp, nextlevel, Filmer618, Giby823, Leofa988, Bentlie935. You also self referred accounts Filmer618, Giby823, Leofa988, Bentlie935, nextlevel so you could earn from the bets you placed (probably you self referred many other accounts also).
How do we know that? Firstly, Same IP on all accounts, secondly all accounts using Samsung Galaxy Note 8 (Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 7.1.1; SM-N950U Build), thirdly you even confessed in previous emails to return funds to, I quote:
"My btc address
Address 1AQXWtZ1S4b1KCfN1QpVUhyGr9PduKHddF was used with account nextlevel where you withdraw coins on 10/05/2018 16:36:15 UTC, bitcoin transaction 8244362e6d0f30a7b7f0f0d1965916a5b179f8ce1a3ebc4dd28a34e716ce1269.
User adnanNYC withdraw GAS to address AJDcPmQXD6x4fEu6ALGyvh39CnUigzuQjy, the same address used by Giby823 and user nextlevel.
You explicitly agreed on all accounts to "This is my only account on CryptoGames" when you agreed to the Terms of service, also you ignored the notice on "Invite a friend" page.
All your accounts are permanently blocked and all your future created accounts will be blocked aswell.