This is why I'm talking about divide-and-conquer optimizations...
It's not just proof-of-work, it is verifying inputs and ECDSA signatures, transferring data, storing blocks. With large amount of transactions this becomes a real problem.
Verifying inputs, ECDSA singatures, transferring data, storing blocks, etc. are technological problems. If computing power grows quickly enough, these problems are solved.
If computing power does not grow fast enough, more efficient uses of hardware will be needed and I'm pretty confident that they will be found. Using hardware more efficiently would make everyone involved better off. If you find ways of using hardware more efficiently, it will not be hard to convince people to adopt these problems. In sum, the problems either solves themselves, or people become highly motivated to solve them, and everyone else becomes highly motivated to adopt any solution they find.
Sorry if you feel like I am minimizing your contributions here. The above is not my area of expertise. I'm sure it is important stuff. I just feel like the developers have a handle on the above problems. I have confidence in this area.
Securing the blockchain is a political problem. Growth in computing power doesn't matter in any significant way for blockchain security. The game is determined by allocation of voting power and rewards for voting. Altering voting rules and rewards creates winners and losers, and this creates conflict. Even if a superb solution is found, it will be very difficult to coordinate adoption of that solution. Identifying a good solution is not a rewarding endeavor. For the most part, it creates conflict and pisses people off. Adoption of a bad solution early on will have a persistent negative effect on long-run outcomes (hysteresis). Solving a problem like this from the beginning is very important. Adoption of a bad solution, like that in bitcoin, is damning. I think that makes this a pressing issue.
I don't think bitcoin developers have a handle on this issue at all. Slowly removing block rewards and waiting to see whether the blockchain survives is not a viable plan. 'wait and see' will eventually blow up in their face. For the same reason, I am against the gradual introduction of proof-of-stake in PPC. The proof is in the pudding. If you plan to secure the blockchain long-term using mechanism A, then put mechanism A in place now and show that it works. Otherwise, why should I trust it. Particularly when game theory suggests that it is not likely to work at all.