For example:
for 16 hours LTC has been staying inside a very predictible bollinger band, moving up, averaging at the ctr line, breaking the bottom going up, breaking the top going down. If I had been watching this manually, I could have made $5-7 very, very safely about 12 times in $100 btc.
That would be an easy call. I would use CH to assume it could time the buy and sell better than me, and not miss by taking eye off of it.
When I hear 40-60% loss bc coins are in down-turn, makes me wonder if anyone really is genuinely getting any profitable trades from bots they couldn't do better themselves.
I want to believe the opposite
I simply can't find the logic in revealing a system that has the ability to generate significant profits, unless it doesn't.
Is it more profitable to keep these signals for yourself and profit, sell them to the masses, or keep them for a short period to profit and then sell them to the masses? The business model for selling signals can't generate profits greater than what signals alone can generate, unless your signals are exaggerated.
It was suggested they are tied to pump and dump groups, but I suspect the odds are the pedestrian will never see fantastic gains since you're merely a lever they pull to generate profit for themselves.
Now I could be wrong about all of this, but I do see quite a few people complain about not only the signals, but automated platforms that do the trading. Some are so shoddy they appear to be HYIPs.