Free lottos,,, I remember so many people offered that in 2016 and 2017 and I took part in a lot never winning any,,, but free is always good if the prize is big, as displays!
Question for op though, what happens if you actually have a winner? Proof of funds and insurance, do you have details? I tried to see but did not find it:)
I mean, how do we know we actually buy tickets at these lotteries? Is it cheaper to buy directly? Do you have a comparison?
We don't need any further discussion of freebitco on this thread thanks
They don't do what we do, so there's no comparison to make.
We've discussed questions of winnings earlier in the thread too, but just to explain once more - you are buying a lotto bet on our site, which is different to actually buying a ticket to the particular lotteries. Our prices are very similar to the cost of their actual tickets - cheaper in most cases. If you win the jackpot, you will be paid the same amount of money as the actual jackpot on the draw up to €50M.