Wow, stop wasting time in a forum and go get a grade school education. Seriously, it'll change your life or something.
I've met some very well educated people who couldn't write at all. The way a person writes is too often misapplied to their ability to perform in other areas - especially on forums. That guy could well make more in a year than any of us make in a lifetime - but the way he writes would not be an indicator of that. Likewise, neither would his complaints here.
Usually, the people we trust the most are those the least deserving of that trust. For example, a writer like me can polish himself up, look good, research what to say and when to say it, bring my exceptionally well educated trophy wife along, and then go scam people into putting money in me - because I make it look good.
Meanwhile, the guy who really should be managing that sort of thing is a little overweight, rarely gets laid, and likely doesn't speak well in person. However, he's brilliant where it counts - most people just don't see that.
This is because the guy with nothing to lose can totally win your heart - while the guy who knows what he has to offer usually sucks at selling himself - because he knows in comparison to everything else right where he sits, and isn't going to lie to you about it.
Not my fight. When either of you want to put your VC in a writer, look me up.
I've also got a few projects in the Caucasus Mountains - but who wants to invest there, right?
This is mostly naive gibberish unfortunately. What you are describing is an exception to prove a rule. Inability to communicate and discern effectively, is indicative of other shortcomings (it also makes one a target to scammers).
What's even worse about your comment, and even worse than thy's, is your focus on exceptions and naivety as positive indicators. It's absurd. Yes, an untainted mind is free to consider things that an experienced one may disregard, but experience is a tempered value.
By your measures we should all act like children and throw worry to the wind if we want success. These are values uplifted by bandits, not brethren.
If the people you trust the most, as you say, are typically not worthy of that trust, it is YOU that must reevaluate your process for bestowing trust. By your comments, you obviously have misplaced values, and thus inability to properly assign trust in the first place. You are not someone experienced enough to take advice from.
Scammers can scam people by making things look good, not because they are educated and experienced, they can do it because you are not. Consider that. Then consider it again without being a stubborn child.
I say this not because I'm "mean", but because children running with scissors don't know any better.
What a lovely response. I shall do my best to refrain from being childish, or running with scissors, and hope that we part ways with you laughing at least as much as your response left me laughing. Here goes.
It's a pity that your professed erudite wisdom is followed by warnings that those who fail to consider it are little more than stubborn children. Worse, you then martyr yourself to the cause of helping poor and ignorant children who don't know better than to run with scissors. I'd add more commentary to your remarks, but it would be wasted. Your default response to anyone you disagree with or can't understand is to call them children - and what one calls others is usually a pretty firm indication of what they themselves are.
In the process of calling us all children, you never fail to point out how intellectually superior you are, not because you're mean or unkind, but because you're kind and benevolent. Those of us who are less than you are of course quite thankful to be afforded the opportunity of basking in the glow of your vast and limitless wisdom. No doubt you've saved us all from hurting ourselves on the sharp edges of experience and the knowledge gained - or scissors, for those of us who like to run.
Overall, your remarks here and elsewhere, while perhaps indicative of an intelligent person, absolutely establish the complete absence of those redeeming traits you seem to believe are exuded by your presence. Obviously you've a lot to learn, but it's not for me to provide that education. Of course, like me, you will probably not remember your comments much past my next healthy bowel movement - the two having a surprising degree of commonality. Thus, anything positive you'd have taken away from the constructive comments I could provide would be wasted.
With that said. Good day, and good luck to you. My wishes are for godspeed and good journeys - and of course, much laughter, for it is the wisest among us who laugh the most.
May you never fall, in your kingdom of children running with scissors.
May there be no limits to your success, or the unwashed masses required to sustain them.
Most of all, may your vast ass never be chapped by the throne of responsibility on which you sit, enabling it to ever keep the rest of us safe from the naivety and stupidity that defines us.
Amen (oh, wait - that's another god, my bad).
So, hopefully you enjoyed the laugh. If you'd like to communicate further, as no doubt you're following this thread, please feel free to PM me, or contact me through any of the mediums listed from my linked website. Otherwise, it's been fun. In my childish world, this is me having the last word, and running off with your scissors.