
Topic: CryptoTexty Talk - Video Program about Blockchain, Cryptocurrencies, etc. (Read 632 times)

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Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
Conversation with John Nieri, President of General Protocols - about Bitcoin Cash Ecosystem and Development
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Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
Investing in 2023 and Crypto - Conversation with Marc De Mesel (Long Text Version)
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Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
sr. member
Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
#AI, #ChatGPT, and #Crypto Market Trends: Conversation with Jayden Sage (Long Text Version)
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Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
Conversation with Dave Johnson about crypto blog platform
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Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
Metaverse and How to make money during the Crypto Winter
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Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
Status crypto messenger - Interview with Eduardo Erlo, Marketing Manager at Status
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Activity: 1092
Merit: 254
One more edition of Cryptotexty Talk is done, this time in Ukrainian language (but we plan to make Text version in English):

Poзмoвa з Oлeкcaндpoм Кypiнним пpo Paytomat тa poзвитoк блoкчeйнy в Укpaїнi

@1:05 Як Paytomat пpийшoв y блoкчeйн
@ 2:05 Пpoдaж тoкeнiв кoмпaнiї Paytomat
@ 3:55 Пpo Paytomat
@ 7:14 Пepcпeктиви poзвиткy блoкчeйн i кpиптoвaлют в Укpaїнi
@ 9:10 Юpидичнi тa тexнiчнi cклaднoщi poзpaxyнкy кpиптoвaлютaми в Укpaїнi
@ 12:17 Питaння лeгaлiзaцiї кpиптoвaлют тa мaйнiнгy нa зaкoнoдaвчoмy piвнi в Укpaїнi
@ 15:12 Чoмy кoмпaнiя Paytomat зapeєcтpoвaнa в Ecтoнiї?
@ 17: 08 Poзвитoк IT гaлyзi в Укpaїнi
@ 21:07 Пepcпeктиви cтвopeння влacнoгo пpoдyктy тa пoшиpeння Paytomat в iншиx кpaїнax cвiтy
@ 25:47 Кpиптoвaлюти, якими мoжнa poзpaxoвyвaтиcя чepeз Paytomat
@ 27:56 Cиcтeмa лoяльнocтi кoмпaнiї Paytomat: нapaxyвaння бoнycниx тoкeнiв зa пpoвeдeння poзpaxyнкiв внyтpiшнiми тoкeнaми Paytomat
@ 29:26 Пoдpoбицi пpoдaжy влacниx тoкeнiв кoмпaнiї Paytomat, eтaпи пpoдaжy тa дocягнeння цiлeй
@ 31:27 Чи вклaдaють yкpaїнcькi iнвecтopи кoшти y кyпiвлю тoкeнiв?
@ 36:30 Пpiopитeтнi гaлyзi тoкeнiзaцiї
@ 39:12 Ha чoмy зapoбляє Paytomat
@ 41:23 Чoмy Paytomat викopиcтoвyє блoкчeйн Waves?
@ 43:00 Якi кpиптoвaлюти пpиймaє Paytomat
@ 43:59 Кoмaндa Paytomat

Good video. To my surprise I hear about Paytomat first in my life, have never heard about it before your video. And the key words of the Oleksandr were that Ukraine is a very specific country and lots of processes in Ukraine have too many nuances. It is true. Hope some day the conditions for crypto and development of business for Ukrainians will be more suitable and profitable.
sr. member
Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
Interview with Marc De Mesel about Crypto Investment, Trends and BCH projects ReadCash and NoiseCash

LBRY Video:

sr. member
Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
I think this information will always be actual. There are many people who still don`t know about crypto and such content is very useful for attracting new people to the cryptocurrency sphere. Moreover even experienced people can check it, because there are always things which are unknown for somebody

Thanks for your feedback
I published some more videos on my channel
Activity: 252
Merit: 11
I think this information will always be actual. There are many people who still don`t know about crypto and such content is very useful for attracting new people to the cryptocurrency sphere. Moreover even experienced people can check it, because there are always things which are unknown for somebody
sr. member
Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
sr. member
Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
Cryptobrewmaster - economical strategy beer game - Interview with Andrii Kysil

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Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
Hi everyone

It's been (and may be it's still is) crypto-winter

We had less content. I was involved in creation crypto bar where we made meetups (and videos)

And now I plan to make some new interviews, with crypto projects.

I would like to hear your thoughts, recommedations
sr. member
Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
Moritz From Holochain

It's been a while since this video was done, but in few month Moritz will visit Kyiv and crypto bar again so we'll make new video
sr. member
Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
It's been a while since I posted here, but here is new video

Cryptodinner with Dean Rakic, Blockchain Expert
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Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
Future of Crypto Payments 2020 - CryptoBreakfast with Dmytro Baimuratov
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Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
NEM Ukraine [EN subtitles] about meetups, elections, vision.

In Ukrainian with English subtitles

It's been a while since we add new video content, but now we plan to do it at least once a week!
sr. member
Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
New video, just uploaded it

Cryptotexty Talk with Robert Viglione, HORIZEN Co-Founder and Team Lead
sr. member
Activity: 1946
Merit: 350
Interview with NEM team (Jeff McDonald, Stephen Chia) @BlockchainUA
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