Right-click anywhere to delete them newest-to-oldest. You can also right-click on the lines' points to delete them in any order.
Hey I use a MacBook Air and cannot seem to perform "right-click". I have unsuccessfully tried option click, control click, and also set up the trackpad prefs for 2 finger secondary click with no luck. So I have a chart full of lines that I cannot delete. Please help!
The site is absoutely killer otherwise!
Update: I still can't seem to get control-click or option-click to delete the lines, but I was finally able to "right-click" by setting 2 finger secondary click on the trackpad (equivalent of control-click), and clicking very firmly directly in the center of the trackpad. Whew.
I am wondering if Mac users who have a standard mac mouse would have control click functionality on the site. If not, they are going to be stuck with lines.