I figured you deserve a response, so here goes.
From what I hear, you were banned from chat because you kept bringing up the same issue constantly. We had informed you of the issue and as soon as we kind of got the room back under control in chatbox, you would push the issue again. Your chat ban has been lifted and you are free to chat again.
You received the same responses from support because your issue hadn't changed.
We had an issue with the verifications tier system we implemented to comply with BSA/AML regulations and amounts were not registering properly within the tiers. This caused some withdrawals, unfortunately including yours, to be hung up. We are currently working as fast as we can to resolve this issue.
We love having you at Cryptsy as you are a great addition to personalities in the chat.
I hope this resolves your issue and we can get back on happy terms.
Have a great afternoon,
Thanks for letting me know the chat ban has been lifted. Unfortunately, it seems I needed to go to these lengths in order to accomplish that end. Also, I wasn't bringing up the same issue constantly. If anything, I have brought up multiple problems and issues that are not being handled well by Cryptsy, intermixed with my usual brand of humor and entertainment. I am also not the reason your chatbox is out of control. Anyone can go there (at the time I wrote this) and see it's a constant tidal wave of people with problems. It's been that way 24/7, with or without my presence. Additionally, sending me multiple, completely useless and identical responses to the same support ticket is nothing but infuriating. I am sure everyone who receives that sort of treatment agrees with me, and from the sounds of it, a lot of people aren't even receiving responses to their support tickets. That's why the Internet is in an uproar.
I appreciate your compliments of my character, so thank you.
Here is a list of tasks (in an easy to follow format) that you and everyone else at Cryptsy should take to heart and actually follow. I don't believe Cryptsy will regain the trust of their user base until this list has been completed (at least mostly):
1. Most importantly, fix all withdrawal issues for your properly verified users. Withdrawals are horribly broken for numerous coins, including Bitcoin.
2. When Cryptsy staff bans someone, a message should ALWAYS appear, publicly telling other people that a ban happened, who was banned and for how long. This gives Cryptsy accountability for the choices it makes. An exchange, of all places, should always be accountable. Secretly banning people is completely shady. Those tactics are something that would be employed in highly-censored China or Nazi Germany or anywhere else that free speech isn't or wasn't welcomed. Secretly banning people will do nothing for Cryptsy but make a bunch of enemies. It already has, and I'm not even talking about me. The thought that others have been secretly banned (basically "disappeared" in the night) makes my stomach turn.
3. Immediately email all Cryptsy users to tell them, in dizzying detail, exactly what new policies have been put into place and why. Explain the limits. Explain each tier and exactly what will be required, time-wise, for people to reach those higher tiers. Cryptsy's staff nonchalantly telling people in a chatbox that it might take more than three months to move their money out is completely idiotic. Currently, the chatbox is the only place this three-months-plus possibility has been mentioned.
4. Consider lifting the 30-day backdating on the 30-day withdrawal limit. You can't backdate a rule no one knew existed in the first place. It's just not right. It also leads people to believe that Cryptsy is attempting to tie down people's funds for as long as possible. This issue fortunately doesn't effect me, but I imagine it effects a lot of people. It is also causing many people to cry, "GOX!"
5. PROMINENTLY display if there are any issues being experienced with withdrawals and/or any new policies that might hinder a user's moving and/or withdrawal of funds from Cryptsy. This prominent message should appear at the time a user is making deposit (and certainly before they make any deposit). People should be given a choice not to have their funds tied up, especially when Cryptsy fully knows their site is experiencing severe technical issues. When Cryptsy has run the same way for years and then suddenly makes giant changes out of nowhere, not making sure everyone fully knows about it seems criminal. The same goes for when Cryptsy knows it is experiencing problems. Not fully and prominently communicating what is happening to the public is also causing people to cry "GOX," because it seems like Cryptsy is pushing for people to get their money tied up there. Twitter is not acceptable, and the chatbox is not acceptable to accomplish this. Neither is a tiny, non-descript text link in the upper left corner of a website that just made a bunch of other confusing changes. These things need to be displayed when and where I suggested above.
6. Never bother responding to a support ticket if the response will be exactly the same as the response that came before it and does nothing to solve the actual problem. That is pointless and infuriating.
7. Fix the childish (and even more offensive) censorbot's auto changes. Start with the word "raping" not automatically being changed to the word "tickling". Tickling and raping are nothing like each other, and the mere notion they would be equated to each other is disgusting. My suggestion, aside from my true preference to not censor the box at all, is to simply replace any targeted words with !@#$. That will solve the problem. Better than censoring people, ban anyone who breaks the rules repeatedly for at least a day (as opposed to five minutes). That would clean things up in a hurry.
Thanks for taking the time to read this.