HBN is a 100% example of the in-house scam coin from this team of ruthless cloners, interesting some of them started this thread! Other examples include: IFC (muddafudda), Franko (defaced), NAN (r3wt/muddafudda), AndroidTokens (Shakezulu, muddafudda, Mullick), BottleCaps (Shakezulu, Mullick, BitJohn-aka-JohnEden), Lucky7Coin (muddafudda), CopperBars/Spots (Shakezulu, Mullick, IGotSpots), TIX (Mullick, IGotSpots), the list goes on and on and on.
Wrong, right, right, not mine, right, wrong, right(sort of), right.
So you've messed up MEM, COL and Maples. How many more do you have and may want to brag about ?
If I'm right.. ALF, STR, ELP, LK7, LKY, DMD, GLX, CMC and others have your shyte code all over them.
Mem, COL and Maples, no idea who made all those others. Shak I think did STR.
Yes, I log in occasionally to send some PM's clarifying quite a few wrong accusations and claims being thrown around. So in a few months, Ill login again and clear up a ton of false accusations.