schad: @cccccc684: good night go get a cold one
JShock: It means i have answered the same questions over and over and nobody is listening so whats the pointSasha64105: ah..
P75Formula: pi ssed
BlueHorseshoe: @P75Formula:If I was the only mod currently in here I'd ban myself also. What is the definition of retreat?
JShock: and its not that i dont want to answer anymore.. IM HUNGRY
Sirazimuth: there ya go
Sasha64105: Has it all gone a bit Intersango?
sur3fir3616: JShock i just came in here i did not see the previous resopnses I apologize if its redundant
schad: @JShock: you have answered alot of questions, Thank YOU
JShock: GOnna eat.. when i ban myself, its to let all know im no longer here so your not thinking im ignoring you
sur3fir3616: Why dont you just put a big banner at the login screen ?
cmvet882: @Sasha64105 it's because you need to wait for 0.2 BTC to be in the wallet to get transfered.... If they don't have it, they can't send any to you.
Sirazimuth: that would be telling...
JShock: Now... I go eat
BitcoinBreeder: How many people work at fresh desk, customer service? 3?
Anaesthetix724: @JShock:bon appetit
katarbits: its not easy being blue,, oh wait or it green
katarbits: or is it*
Sasha64105: Yeah, got it vet. I'd actually forgotten I had anything here at all.
Sirazimuth: that was a quick 1st hour. maybe 2nd hour slightly longer?
Sasha64105: Some people must be pretty upset.
BlueHorseshoe: @JShock:Approx. how long should it take for my HYP deposit to arrive in my Cryptsy account? If you don't know the answer kindly reply anyways, thank you!!!!!!
cmvet882: @Sasha64105 yeah I only have about 0.12 BTC worth to transfer out of here. I can't imagine people with actual large amounts....
sur3fir3616: @BlueHorseshoe:Ive been wating over 1.5 hours on my deposit
Sasha64105: .2btc doesn't even get me a trip to the hairdresser round here.
BlueHorseshoe: @sur3fir3616:same here, customer service is worse than a third world country here at this point.Sasha64105: So is it a hack or a ponzi, or something else?
cmvet882: @Sasha64105 I have another 1384 XPY that hasn't been able to transfer out for weeks.
SofaKing: HAL9000 the wallet server had a Dave malfunction
portu23344: the wd is unrunning yet
BitcoinBreeder: s h i t --- is gonna hit the fan
Sirazimuth: nahhh, we all one big happy crypto family! ....well maybe not...
sur3fir3616: ive been with cryptsy for over 2 or so years.. they've never done me wrong.cmvet882: @Sash64105 No it's just the norm in crypto this past 12 months.
Jagrapolite: @sur3fir3616: +1 sameSasha64105: it might be ba fake hack I suppose, a FHack.
portu23344: is not fixed
obeone106: a marketplace that is not able to function properly it needs to "maintenance" to preserve transactions
portu23344: or what
Sasha64105: I've been with Cryptsy a while too, but I'd forgotten all about bitcoin, then the dog got sick, again, and I'm raiding all my hidden stashes
cmvet882: @sur3fir3616 yeah same here, up until 2-3 weeks ago everything just just fine and dandy..... But when you can't withdraw any of your coins for weeks..... there is something there.
sur3fir3616: Im worried it may be a hack as said... but I am sure its not something cryptsy did on purpose like mtgoxkatarbits: if your stock with btc and cant get wd buy some NSR cheap the wd are pretty fast
Sirazimuth: @portu23344:the market? hope its not fixed..then again this is crypto...
cmvet882: @katarbits you lose you shorts in all the conversions and transactions
katarbits: nsr are having a buyback this week so its a easy sell on other exchanges
BlueHorseshoe: @sur3fir3616:A year and a half and anyone who's been trying to do btc withdraws for 2 months has had issues, welcome back, just wanted to bring you up to speed.JShock: @BlueHorseshoe: That is exactly why panic is spreading and withdrawals are backing uip