Well.. a new development.
I got to say the whole Troll's and FUD excuse is a tired old cop out.
Did it occur to you that when us guys living from paycheck to paycheck
trying to trade small amounts of money from exchange to exchange get fucked over we get mad ?
It's not Trolling .. or .. FUD !
It's called bad service.
And when we bring it up you say shit like that and ban us.. how many people on Cryptsy chat
complained about a coin transfer that you swiftly banned from chat ?
You have done that a lot yourself Jshock in the small tiny amount of time i have been on Cryptsy chat.
That is Cryptsy's MO..
Guy says where is my coins ?
It's our fucking money Jim.
And your shitty exchange has cost me a lot of money over the years buddy.
To add insult to injury i have been mouthed off and banned.. how about Sorry prick ?
And when i am trying to arb coins i don't want to be mouthed off and lied to why my coins vanished.
I have historically always tried to arb smaller amounts of coins.. and almost always it's a problem with Cryptsy.
Same coin on other exchanges.. no problems.. ONLY on your shitty ass exchange !
You figure ahhh so what he's a Troll fuck him...... BANNED
Well that is my tiny small amount of money i am now fucked over !
I am out cash buddy !
Are you going to repay me Jim ?
How about showing a shred fucking respect / sympathy to your customers who pay your bills asshole ?
You have the fucking audacity.. no the nerve.. no the god damn gall to sit there and "lose"
my money then call me a troll when i ask where it went after waiting 12 hours from Mod's who ignore me and play dumb ?
You should NOT be a chatbox moderator so you can sit there and ban people for asking where their coins are.
Hire somebody who is willing to dish out a canned response like any other business on earth.
If you don't have the patience and attitude to be nice to people hang up the chat / support moderator position.
Because you shouldn't be dealing with the public.
ALL of us know you treat us like shit to cover up Cryptsy problems to protect the fine Cryptsy brand.
You assholes banned me randomly with no warning for 1 year based on what fucktard Mullick
said (i had been an ongoing problem) ..which was pure bullshit.. you guys banned me for a comment i made here at Bitcointalk.
He lied and made up shit about me saying i was on chat lying about stuff (avoiding bringing up the hacked incident)
I never lied about anything.. i simply repeated the hack incident.
to sweep up your mess.. i got a one year ban so you guys didn't have to worry about me mentioning it again.
And you did that so it would be a warning to all the other guys who were there that *could also tell the story.
You made an example out of me to hide your bullshit.
Fuck your PR
You guys are lying sacks of scammy shit and you can suck my fucking dick.
Cryptsy your going down assholes.. drown you mouthy fucking rats.
You deserve it.PS:Does this sound familiar ?
LOL ROFL mod 1 says to mod 2
What you gonna do baby Spoetnik go cry to Bitcointalk forums they banned me ?
Who's laughing now I just have one question for you JShock.. did you log in with your own IP address or did you cover your tracks ?
I want theymos to see your IP address matches the Troll account here named MikePark.
The one who claimed to be from the same place as you with 2 kids.
Who also happened to have my trade history and Cryptsy user name.
Kind of funny we have evidence of a Cryptsy manager in here with stolen private info trolling on people
crying about being Trolled on.. ohhhhhh that is rich