LoL...the comparison u made here is in just between the amount of Dogecoin traded and total number of trades on BTC-E (in BTC)...Is that fair?
Lets make it fair,,,y don't u compare the total number of trades on cryptsy and BTC-e....?
It is indeed fair because the statement was that Craptsy's DOGE volume was > than ALL of BTC-E, which I disproved.
Cryptsy's performance speaks for itself in the DAILY complaints being posted on this site. I could easily post over 100 links to them, but will suggest you use the search feature to find them.
If your only reason for using Cryptsy is because they have Doge, and you choose to ignore the failing trade engine, failing support, failing
infrastructure, failing funds being return then you deserve to lose your coins.
its beacuse daily a large number of users are joining it...and even there are many task giveways which encourage users to make an account with
their refferal link...and just because of too many users using it makes it's with almost all the sites when suddenly lot of users deposits ,
withdraw trade ,,, that just make it even coinedup is too much laggy because of tips\fedoracoin hype..cryptsy is laggy becasue of
and as far as it btc-e doesn't have such coins those coins pretty old when compared to the above there is no much hype...
And there is no place where you can trade most of the coins listed on Cryptsy ...and even if there are..those exchanges are new so most don't
trust them or less safe when compared cryptsy or other old exchanges coinex , coins-e bter , btc-e... for eg; openex added new coins and they got
hacked and lost some of their how are u gonna trust new exchanges or the exchanges which don't trade new or many alt-coins...
And yeah if u don't trade alt-coin then there is no point why u r at cryptsy or any other exchange with many alt-coins....