This thread in Bitcoin Development & Technical Discussion may also be of interest: the record, I have no interest in developing my own coin. As a computer scientist, proof-of-work algorithms interest me, and Cuckoo Cycle has become one of my hobbies. Beyond the proof-of-work, crypto currencies have too many complexities (e.g. key management, networking issues) that I don't want to have to deal with.
Cuckoo Cycle will be adopted eventually. I suggested that the Ethereum guys take a serious look at it. Let's see what they come up with and how it compares...
Hi, John -
One more follow-up. I posted in my public review that, beyond the speedups I suggested to you, I was somewhat nervous about algorithmic speedups to the problem still being possible, and I can't shake that nervousness yet. (But I haven't been able to exploit it either, but my failure to do so doesn't mean it's not possible, just that it's not immediately obvious).
Please stay nervous:-) As you noted in the past, losing my nervousness is one of my problems...
One thing I'm curious about: your current union-find solution seems to echo that of Monien. Before wasting my time thinking about it more if you've already done the work, did you attempt to apply Yuster & Zwick's algorithm (in "Finding Even Cycles Even Faster")? The only difference is a factor of inverse-of-ackerman's in (V), but it's mostly intriguing because it's simpler from a data structure perspective, which might lead to a faster real-world implementation. Or not.
I thought their approaches are quite different. Can you point to a specific paper and page of Monien describing a union-find like algorithm? My paper has a paragraph on both the similarity to and crucial difference with union-find
which explains why I can't use path-compression (which leads to the Ackermann function). My algorithm also crucially depends on the edge to vertex ratio being at most one half.
But any speedup of this part is mostly irrelevant anyway, as the running time of Cuckoo Cycle is entirely dominated by the edge trimming phase.
My nervousness remains because of the unique structure of your graphs - as you note, they're like GNMp graphs - and it's not clear that there are specific tricks that can be used here. I'm a little less worried about this than I was, but I've still got this concern that the algorithm could be vulnerable to non-breakthrough-level theory developments (i.e., things easier than breaking discrete logs. :-). Still trying to wrap my head around a good formulation of it, and people shouldn't take me too seriously on this, because it's a tickling hunch, not a "gosh, I'm sure" kind of feeling.
I still compare it in my head to Momentum, where there's less structure sitting around, and therefore I'm more confident in the analysis, which I view as a good property in a PoW. But we know that Momentum, even if it were modified to use SIPhash, basically turns into a DRAM bandwidth problem. That's not bad from an ASIC standpoint, but it is comparatively GPU-friendly.
Momentum suffers from a having a linear time-memory trade-off though. It's essentially identical to Cuckoo Cycle with N=2^26 vertices, cycle length 2, and #edges = N rather than N/2. Note that the best known implementations (entirely or partly due to you) are also essentially identical. I believe that by generalizing cycle length, Cuckoo Cycle leaves less room for trade-offs, as witnessed by the fact that Momentum's linear tmto does not carry over...