My tips at current time.
1. If you are in larger loss, hold, the coin would rise one day.
2. If you are in small loss or profit, hold or sell, wait the market to stabilize a bit and buy.
3. If you haven't invested yet, don't jump in now, let the market stabilize before buying.
I dont think that this market movement is only the action of whales because if you look at the total market cap it fallen more than 60% this year (now is 284 bil. and in december it was 600 bil.). I think that what we are experiencing right now is a conglomeration of factors that are met at a beggining of a year:
- Chinease new year - 17 feb.
- It is the time of the year when people pay taxes and that takes a lot of money
- It is the time for hollydays
- People need money to recover from the christmas hollydays and new year expenses
- It is a pshylogical time in wich some people cash in the proffit and think oj the next investition.
All this facts met and created a domino effect that made others to panic sell and this is why we are experiencing this crash.
Now with your tips.: