Link to the
Personal Trust Network.
Link to the
Base File (Data to load the Personal Trust Network (first tab) + Summary per user (second tab -> interesting to see most trusted/distrusted and so on))
This is the last update: This product will be discontinued on the 03/12/2019Data as of
30/11/2019 (trust file is released on Saturdays and not Fridays as is the merit.txt file).
Date Trust/Dist. rel. Trust rel. Distrust rel. Customized Lists Distinct Trusted/Untrusted
30/11/2019 38795 30466 8329 4533 10613
23/11/2019 38728 30412 8316 4531 10599
16/11/2019 38552 30331 8221 4529 10590
09/11/2019 38247 30149 8098 4522 10505
26/10/2019 36275 29042 7233 4512 10128
19/10/2019 36193 28990 7203 4510 10126
12/10/2019 35944 28940 7004 4496 9938
05/10/2019 35844 28889 6955 4494 9906
28/09/2019 35738 28830 6908 4486 9871
21/09/2019 35662 28797 6865 4479 9838
14/09/2019 35454 28669 6785 4475 9783
07/09/2019 35306 28565 6741 4468 9771
31/08/2019 35351 28630 6721 4463 9757
24/08/2019 35340 28579 6761 4460 9744
17/08/2019 35185 28458 6727 4453 9727
10/08/2019 35132 28431 6701 4446 9706
03/08/2019 34975 28316 6659 4432 9685
27/07/2019 34596 27990 6606 4421 9644
13/07/2019 34244 27780 6464 4384 9548
06/07/2019 34233 27741 6492 4372 9525
29/06/2019 33906 27496 6410 4361 9457
22/06/2019 33782 27408 6374 4347 9426
15/06/2019 33593 27278 6315 4338 9408
08/06/2019 33446 27278 6168 4328 9362
01/06/2019 33080 26980 6100 4293 9325
25/05/2019 32747 26710 6037 4268 9288
18/05/2019 32611 26634 5977 4264 9257
11/05/2019 32177 26264 5913 4247 9243
04/05/2019 32026 26204 5822 4239 9216
27/04/2019 31850 26075 5775 4221 9154
20/04/2019 31811 26065 5746 4217 9137
13/04/2019 31572 25858 5714 4212 9115
06/04/2019 31353 25721 5632 4203 9044
30/03/2019 31029 25621 5408 4199 8922
23/03/2019 30920 25520 5400 4193 8913
16/03/2019 31142 25640 5502 4191 8893
09/03/2019 31118 25632 5486 4183 8882
02/03/2019 31002 25515 5487 4169 8868
23/02/2019 31567 25845 5722 4160 8837
16/02/2019 31542 25762 5780 4151 8872
09/02/2019 31450 25710 5740 4145 8855
02/02/2019 31238 25392 5846 4123 8811
26/01/2019 25777 22083 3694 4083 8707
19/01/2019 25387 21811 3576 4052 8662
12/01/2019 23800 20720 3080 3957 8498
05/01/2019 22605 19637 2968 3891 8527
note: skipped week -> 20/07/2019
Date-> Date of update.
Trust/Dist. rel. -> Number of trust/distrust relations in the file.
Trust rel. -> Number of Trust relations.
Distrust rel. -> Number of Distrust relations.
Customized Lists -> Number of customized Trust lists.
Distinct Trusted/Untrusted -> Number of distint user profiles that are either trusted or untrusted by others.
Profiles that all trust each other:- 7 members where all trust all: 5 cases (complete graph networks)
- 6 members where all trust all: 39 cases (complete graph networks)
- 5 members where all trust all: 179 cases (complete graph networks)
- 4 members where all trust all: 563 cases (complete graph networks)
- 3 members where all trust all: 1.118 cases (complete graph networks)
- 2 members where all trust all: 2.369 cases (complete graph networks)
In addition:
Analysis – A quick glance at the current Custom Trust Networks.
Analysis - Reciprocal trust, distrust and asymmetries + all trust all subgraphs.
1. Introduction.Back in April 2018, I created a similar project to the one I’m going to describe here, but left it aside since, at the time, it didn’t seem to be useful enough to endeavour a weekly update of the information (see
A picture of what our Trust/Distrust Network looks like). Nevertheless, I’ve decided to retake it in light of the recent changes, modifying and adding a few things that were not relevant in version 1 of the project.
The base that I’m using here is the weekly forum official trust file (, which basically includes a set with the following information:
a->b 'a' trust 'b'
a-/>b 'a' does not trust 'b'
As far as I’m aware, the file includes only data relative to customized trust lists, so DT is not shown here.
What I have done is include certain information for both ends of the 'a' and 'b' trust relation, so that we can see for a given user:
- The set of forum members 'a' trusts and/or doesn’t trust.
- The set of forum members who trust 'a' and/or don’t trust him/her/it.
The included columns are: user names and user ids involved, urls, rank, trust type, earned merits.
A few things to consider:
- The tool is visual and filterable, but it is a Beta tool created by Google, that will be discontinued in December 2019.
- The tool does have some bugs, and many limitations (I can barely add anything more to it in terms of functionality).
- Once you get the hang of it, it works fine, but it takes a bit to get used to the filters and specially resetting them.
- The list that serves as a base for the "Data" tab could suffice really (but we lose out the graphic part if we do).
- Rank and IDs are derived from a combination of the data I download (merited profiles), but also from @piggy’s full dataset (for the data not related to merited profiles).
- A few (12 o so) profiles with weird characters are not ranked nor merit counted (I will fix them briefly - I hope).
Note This is a similar product in terms of usage to Our very own sMerit Network Picture.
2. Data.The Data Tab contains all the available data I’ve managed to group up. Each row contains:
FromTo: The Trust relationship as found on the trust.txt file.
UserfromName: The username that trusts/distrusts.
UserToName: The username that is trusted/distrusted.
TrustType: Y: trusts; N: Does not trust.
nFromEarnedMerits: Earned merits by the user that trusts/distrusts
(not including merit sent between them).
nToEarnedMerits: Earned merits by the user that is trusted/distrusted.
nFromdummyWeight: For internal purposes (equal to nFromEarnedMerits +1).
nTodummyWeight: For internal purposes (equal to nToEarnedMerits +1).
nFromId: The User Id that trusts/distrusts.
nToId: The User Id that is trusted/distrusted.
nFromRank: The rank of the user that trusts/distrusts.
nToRank: The rank of the user that is trusted/distrusted.
nFromURL: The Bitcointalk profile URL of the user that trusts/distrusts.
nToRank: The Bitcointalk profile URL of the user that is trusted/distrusted.
All trust/distrust relations are shown (until I encounter a volume problem that may well happen at some point). You can browse through this dataset, and apply filters.
You can add multiple filters, and multiple values to them. If at some point you get lost, it is best to delete the filter with the cross mark and re-add the filter by selecting it from the blue Filter dropdown menu.
3. Who I Trust/Distrust.On this tab you can see a graphical representation of your Trust Network, specifically of those you trust. Simply enter the username on the "UserFromName" filter, press "find" and the graph should show the trusted/untrusted network for the selected user.
Note that both trusted and untrusted are shown, but I cannot give the nodes a different color.
In order to distinguish between the Trusted Network and the Untrusted Network you will need to additionally filter by "TrustType" (Y/N).The size of the nodes are proportional to the number of earned merits a user has.
I have used @theymos's Trust network for my examples, since mine is rather limited so far. In this case, I've set the filter to show those trusted by @theymos (TrustType = 'Y').
Unsolvable bugs:
- Not all nodes are shown by default necessarily. You will need to type a number of nodes (top left of graph) higher or equal to the max nodes shown, in order to see them all.
- You cannot see all the underlying data here by pulling down the three button handle above the graph (rows are all shown, but only 5 columns, and I cannot see how to change that). To see the actual underlying data, you’ll need to change to the Data Tab and filter it there as explained before.
4. Who Trusts me/Distrusts me.This tab works in the same manner as the previously described tab. The focus here is on the "UserToName", being that parameter the name of the user for whom we want to see the network of people that trust or distrust him. As before, we need to filter by "TrustType" to delimit the graph to those that either trust us or distrust us.
In this case, I've set the filter to show those untrusted by @theymos (TrustType = 'N').
5. A few interesting numbers.- Trust.txt files contains 23.800 trust/distrust relations (22.605 last week).
- Trust relations: 20.720 (19.637 last week).
- Distrust relations: 3.080 (2.968 last week).
- People that have a customized Trust Network: 3.957 (3.891 last week).
- People that are included in a customized Trust Network: 8.498 (8.527 last week, which is larger – likely due to list resets).
The changes a really new, but in spite of the Meta hype, not that many new people seem to have created a customized list yet. Well see how those numbers evolve.