I do not know who naypalm is and it seems he last logged a week back is very infrequent here.
So I would disclose the vulnerability to the forum(only).
ENd of PM
So because he logs in infrequently you decided to publicly disclose it ?
Because you need the attention and can't wait a month or two for it to be fixed ?
Top Line: https://www.dionach.com/blog/the-real-impact-of-cross-site-scripting/ --Security Community
All you can do is obviously to use the free version of the burp suite and make popups.
You found a reflected XSS, not a persistent one.
You like your low-level examples, i understood this already.
For example, this:
This is only possible, if the HttpOnly flag is not set.
Otherwise the cookie can not be accessed by a script.
All you can do with that is to craft an own URL, and send it to someone to have the script being executed.
How would you exploit that on such a site, where no valuable or sensitive information is being stored/entered anyway?
Short answer: You can't.
You are obviously a script kiddy, breaking laws and being a dick, just to gain some attention.
You don't understand what you actually found and don't know how this could be exploited.